Daddyhunt Partnership - The Series

Daddyhunt Series - Season One

Daddyhunt Series - Season Two

Daddyhunt Series - Season Three
Daddyhunt Partnership - PSA Videos: NEW
BHOC and Daddyhunt have also created public service announcements (PSA) featuring the cast of the series talking about the many ways men have of taking care of their sexual health: condoms, PrEP, having an undetectable viral load, three-site, periodic STD testing, going to an STD clinic, and notifying partners that they may have been exposed to an STD. Additionally, there are videos with tips on how to write profiles that help men exchange information in a way that promotes healthy choices as well as reducing stigma. As new PSAs become available, they will be posted here.
All videos are close-captioned in Spanish and English. (If you don’t see the subtitles, click on the “settings” button on the bottom of the YouTube video screen.) All videos are available for use by any public health organization (but may not be used for any commercial purposes). Please feel free to share them on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media, as well as with your community partners.
PSA Videos*

*Closed captioning is available in English, Spanish and other languages through Youtube. Click on settings (the gear icon) > Subtitles/CC > English OR Auto-translate.
Daddyhunt Partnership - Awards
We launched these in late April, 2017. As of April 3, 2018, the series and accompanying PSAs have been viewed more than 5.3 million times. Since then, they have won multiple awards, including:
Top Shorts Online Film Festival
Best Shorts Competition
Direct Short Online Film Festival
Hollywood Just4Shorts Film and Screenplay Competition
ITVFest 2017