Per the terms of the Creative Commons License [Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)], you may not create derivative work from the images or use the images for commercial purposes. You must also give appropriate attribution. Please credit ‘Building Healthy Online Communities’ in your captions.
When choosing to use our images, consider the purpose of this project: to depict people who have historically been detrimentally impacted by health disparities–namely Black, Indigenous, and Other People of Color (BIPOC), trans and non-binary people, disabled people, sex workers, people who use drugs, and people living with HIV–in a manner that supports healthy practices, bodily autonomy, and liberation. If your intent is to perpetuate harms, promote fear around sex/drug use/sex work, or stoke violence towards the people represented in each image based on their identities, reconsider your use of these images.
If you have questions about media representation with the communities specifically included in this project, you can always reach out to GADIM: Media & Disability, GLAAD, NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ Journalists, and The Trans Journalists Association to name a few. You can also use these links to learn more about affirming ways to depict harm reduction and people who use drugs, the experiences of people living with HIV, and the lives of sex workers. For more information on sexual health, including HIV/STI care and prevention, see Building Healthy Online Communities’ sexual health resource.
These photos are intended to be open to a variety of public health leaders–HIV community organizations, health departments, harm reduction organizations–and those outside the field working to promote health and wellbeing, including journalists, LGBTQ organizations/community centers, educational institutions, and more. We encourage you to use responsibly and promote this resource. Whenever possible, commission original visuals specific to your community or focus area.
Once clicked, each image will open in Google Drive. There, you will be able to download the full size image. The title of each image contains a basic image description, which we would request for you to use and adapt into image descriptions in your captions and add ALT Text to make these photos accessible. Read more about digital accessibility. Each model self-described their identity for their image description.